Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Goodbye to Grandma Rose

For this post, I will start with the end, then go back to the beginning.  And, I hope it comes across as an homage and celebration to a beautiful soul and not a sad story to darken the day.

Last Thursday night (after bringing Mom home from the hospital), I received a gut-wrenching phone call; Grandma Rose (my biological father's mother) was in the hospital and not expected to make it through the weekend.    

My heart sunk and my emotions rushed.   The next day, I drove three hours to say goodbye to one of the toughest and sweetest women I had ever met.   On Friday morning, I was told that she was incoherent.   I still had to say goodbye in person.   I was not able to say goodbye to my two wonderful grandmothers who had previously passed.

But, when I got there in the afternoon, I was surprised to see that she was mildly lucid.  When I went to greet her, her eyes got big and she had a large happy smile.  I took her hands and told her that I loved her.  She told me she loved me too.   I was relieved and very grateful that I had the opportunity to say goodbye to this remarkable woman.  I stayed in her room that night and remained most of the next day before I came home.  Intermittently, I had additional moments I was able to talk to Rose.
Rose passed just after midnight on October 3rd, 2017.
She had just celebrated her 94th birthday last month.
I met Grandma Rose (and Grandpa Jack!) on Memorial Day weekend in 2006 (yes, I was a few pounds heavier, with a different hair color, and a bad cold!).   The first thing she did was hold up her first two fingers and her thumb, shook them, and said (in her fun Italian accent), "Ah, you are one good-looking Italian girl!".   From the minute I met her, I adored her (and her cool animal prints to boot!).
Grandpa Jack passed a few years before I started this blog.  He was a dear man also.  They were a wonderful couple who had met in Indiana (where Rose lived with her large Italian family and where Jack, originally from a small town in this vicinity, went to college- Notre Dame).

Off and on through the years, we met up at our house, at her or Mike's home a few hours away, at family functions, etc.
When Ramsey came along, he loved her too.
I was told many wonderful stories by Rose, learning new things and finding interesting insights to her life and family.  She was a very colorful, funny, strong, and unique individual.  And, she made great biscotti!
Rose, you will be dearly missed.  May you have peace and tranquility with Jack and your family who passed before you in the Kingdom of Heaven.

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