Monday, February 5, 2018

Quite a "Spectacle"

Ramsey and I made a trip to the optometrist last Friday, after a recommendation by The Lions Club (they had performed eye screenings at preschool just before Ramsey's birthday). The initial exam showed that Ramsey needed a more in-depth examination, as he had potential myopia.

Ramsey was SUCH a big boy throughout the exam.  They blew air into his eyes, gave him "the letter test", and put the drops into his eyes in order to dilate them (he wasn't thrilled with that process, but he was brave!).

The tests confirmed that he was near-sighted with astigmatism and would require glasses, full time.  So, we worked with the lovely Miss Sarah and Miss Elizabeth at the vision care center and found the perfect pair of chic-looking glasses.
 Ramsey goofed around quite a bit, trying to put two and three pairs on at a time (probably trying to "impress the ladies"), but overall, he just seemed kind of excited.
 The glasses should be in later this week.  We are eagerly anticipating his reaction when he is able to see things more clearly!
And, I just stuck a big fat "THANK YOU" letter in the mail to the local Lions Club.  Without this screening, who knows how long he would have gone without us realizing that he had a true vision problem?!

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