Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Winter Church Carnival

Our church has a winter carnival.  I'm not sure how many years they have been doing this, but this is the first one that we have attended.   Eric and I took Ramsey there after Ramsey's eye appointment.  Ramsey had been looking forward to this all week!

There was SO much to see and do that I didn't get a ton of [good] pictures.  Mainly it was trying to keep an eye on our 4-year-old, amidst the plethora of toddlers, tots, and grade school kids, all running around like mad in their fury of excitement!

Of course there were bouncy houses.... three huge bouncy houses.  Those are always Ramsey's favorite.  After we went into the first, he bolted to the second, which was HUGE and, as we found out just a bit later (after Ramsey had already bowled his way through), was restricted to Age 7 and up (whoops).  Nonetheless, he jumped in, up, through, and over each obstacle.
He did require assistance with the 8' ladder that leads to the giant slide.
 On to the next bouncy house we went, where Ramsey had to patiently wait his turn in line.  This trip was a good learning experience in waiting in line like a big kid.
There were a ton of other games too, which rewarded kids with candy, stickers, pencils, and other super fun prizes.
For example, basketball (which they allowed a little bit of "cheating")...
 Bottle rings....
 He fudged a little on this one too, stepping in front of the line a little further than he was supposed to!
 And there were cake and cupcake walks (which we didn't partake in, as the lines were very long and also.... us old folks are on diets), face-painting, balloon artists, etc.

And, there was food... yummy BBQ sandwiches, chips, and ice cream sundaes.  Ramsey's supper this evening consisted of a bun, a couple of chips, and a big honkin' bowl of ice cream.   Go parents!
 This is certainly an event that we will be making a yearly ritual.  So much fun!

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