Another August, another county fair. *Sigh* Fun!
I'm not going to lie though...
And, Eric had major sinus issues and was not feeling well. So.... Ramsey and I went on Saturday (there was rain forecasted for Sunday, so that was no option - sure would have been cooler though).

Everywhere we went, 4-H clubs had painted signs for kids to pop their heads into for pictures. We hit nearly all of them. I've pasted pics on this post, intermittently.
We started off at the beef barn this year. No pictures. ...didn't need Ramsey getting kicked or trampled (he doesn't have much fear of animals, large or small) and I had no one to take a pic of us together. Que sera sera.
Then, off to the bunny barn and to see the goats. Ramsey seems to love the goats more than about anything (always has). The fact that there were a number of baby goats made Ramsey's day! He was attempting to bond.Then, time to ride the ponies! Ramsey said he didn't need me to walk beside him this year, like Daddy did last year. He was such a big boy!
He got nearly two full rides, as when he started, he was the only one. When other kids showed up, they stopped, put them on, and let him have a second turn for free. Nice!
Future equestrian? Hmm.
After visiting the animals, we grabbed some [completely unhealthy] lunch (mini donuts). Then, time for the rides!
We got Ramsey a wristband and around and around he went, on every ride they had, some more than once. We definitely got our money's worth!
...behind another chick again. :-)
He LOVED the tractor ride. Maybe it's because his buzzer actually worked on this ride. Or, maybe he just likes tractors.
I found it amusing that he picked the headless bee. Poor bee.
And...behind another chick again! :-)
When the ride was over, Ramsey insisted on going again. But, this time, he wanted to take the wheel!
Ramsey was being so good after the rides. He actually said, "Ok Mom, I'm ready to go home now." On the [mile long] walk back to the car, I noticed some play sets and five bouncy castles. Part of me (who was sweating profusely) thought it'd be easy to evade these and walk around them, going straight to the car. But, the guilt-ridden part of me knew this only comes around once a year, so we may as well do EVERYTHING.When I routed back to the path to walk straight into the kids' play area, I asked the once-ready-to-go-home little boy if he'd rather play for a bit instead. The answer was immediate and very clear!
If I had to estimate, he spent nearly as much time in KiddyVille as he did on the midway! Finally, I made the decision that it was time to leave. Though Ramsey was hot, sweaty, and on the verge of a heat stroke, he relented and didn't fuss. But, he would have stayed and played there until he dropped! :-)
Until next year, county fair....!
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