Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Our Trip to the Cabin

With the chaos of getting Mom moved this year, our annual 4th of July vacation/trip to Nana & Bumpa's cabin was delayed a few weeks (we went at the end of July and the trip was only 4 days).
We made the most of our short amount of time and spent our time happily with Nana, Bumpa, Uncle Cory, Uncle Troy, Auntie Sarah, Sadie, Isaac, and of course the puppies, Maggie and Max.

Much of the time was spent on the lake.  The bigger kids fished, toured on the paddle boat, and explored.  Ramsey was lucky to have them eager to go swimming with him.
As usual, sweet Isaac was a super awesome cousin, being so helpful and caring.
Miss Sadie and Connor also swam with Ramsey.
 Connor had fun showing off a bit, doing somersaults off the end of the dock (with Riggs following immediately behind, of course!).
 I couldn't get over how big they're all getting!
 After getting his hair yanked, Connor may have thought hoisting Ramsey on his shoulders wasn't the best idea after all.   Ramsey loved it though!
 The big boys had caught a whole slew of fish.   It took Isaac and Connor a few hours to get them all cleaned and bagged.
 ...nothing like some cuddle time with Nana and Bumpa.  :-)

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