We missed going to the Pumpkin Ranch last year (they don't advertise very well), but this year, I contacted them via social media so we wouldn't miss out!
It was a chilly weekend. We opted out of our pre-planned Saturday trip, due to the constant rain. But, we bundled up on Sunday (it was a balmy 48 degrees) and made the quick trip to the ranch. (Incidentally, I recall our last trip where it felt like 90 degrees and we roasted! Midwestern weather - Yeesh!)
When we got there, we saw that one of the owners was driving a tractor with a hay trailer on the hitch and was giving hay rides (we opted out - too cold!) and they had a fire going, with S'Mores ingredients provided (looked delish). But, Ramsey bolted straight for the horses. He tried to make friends with a little Shetland who was eagerly sniffing his hand.
Then, off to the patch! I would guess that they have 3-4 acres dedicated to various types of pumpkins and squash. They warned me up front that "this year, it's a little bit weedy". Well, it was a little weedy in previous years when we went. But, the weeds were probably twice as tall as they had been in the past. Poor little Ramsey nearly got lost a few times!
He was so excited to find his first pumpkins! Daddy had "pre-hunted" for pumpkins and guided him in a good direction.
Daddy carried Ramsey's first pumpkin back to the cart. Ramsey was ecstatic and kept kissing the pumpkin!
Then, they went back in for more. Ramsey carried a small squash under his arm, football-style, noting it was "squishy". It was actually starting to rot, so we had to throw it back.
The picture below reminds me of the opening credits for the "Little House on the Prairie" show (from the late 70's and early 80's), where little Carrie was trying to make her way down an overgrown meadow hill, then fell down.
Eric continued to find some gems. I couldn't believe how tall the rush was; it was up to his waist and higher in other areas. Eric noted that his choice to wear cargo shorts and sandals was poor and wouldn't be made again; he got his fill of stickers and pumpkin [vine] pokes.
Eric found a few spaghetti squash for me. I was hoping we could also find some buttercup squash (we would have needed a second cart just for those!), but I was a wimp and didn't hunt enough to find any. Eric also found Ramsey a few Little Jack Pumpkins, which Ramsey thought were precious.
The jaunt back to the barn to pay for our loot was a little rough (the ground was very lumpy and uneven), but Daddy's a strong guy and he trudged through, taking care not to lose anything off the cart.
He also had a little help along the way.
The Pumpkin Ranch had a lot of neat places for photo ops, so we took a few snapshots.
When we got home, I snagged a few of the pumpkins and got out the scarecrows. I think I have a little work yet to do, but at least it's a start!
Notice Riggs' little head poking out of the window. Silly puppy!