Wednesday, October 10, 2018

October Snow!

I guess it was too much to ask for an Indian Summer!   As of this morning, we've got quite a showing of the white stuff.  October 10th. Snow!!?!?!?    I don't recall having any this early... ever!  Crazy.
The weather people noted that we were to expect "2 to 10 inches".  Thanks for the precise calculation, Sparky.  :-)
But, Ramsey is pleased.  He's been talking about snow and having snowball fights all summer long!  He woke up and was rather awestruck.
He asked me after this video was taken, "Is it Christmas?  I want it to be Christmas!!"   I had to explain that Halloween is still three weeks away!

So, we have a starry-eyed preschooler and a puppy who will soon be bringing in mud and muck from playing in the heavy precipitation.   
And, the scarecrows are still smiling.

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