Friday, February 26, 2021

A Late Christmas/Birthday Get-Together; A Visit from Nana & Bumpa

 Because we couldn't get together for Christmas, due to COVID, we'd kept our presents for Nana, Bumpa, and Uncle Cory at home, in the corner where the Christmas tree used to be.  

Nana and Bumpa recently got their first (of two) COVID vaccine shots.  They trekked down this way so we could get together and exchange some presents for Christmas, Connor's birthday, and Ramsey's birthday.

To be cautious, we wore our masks and tried to stay [sort of] far apart!   (Eric thought he was funny with the gas mask.)

It was a short trip to see each other and open presents.
Nana and Bumpa and the boys opened presents.  
The kids got a lot of neat stuff!  
Ramsey got a couple of Lego Minecraft kits and some other super neat toys and clothes - he was over the moon!
Connor received some nice clothes, CASH, and a new pair of white sneaks - just in time as his others were on their last leg! (Pardon the pun.)
Of course, while we chatted it up, the boys messed around.  Ramsey couldn't resist some horse play with Big Brubby Connor.   
As an add-on to his daily work-outs, Connor started bench-pressing Ramsey. But, Ramsey wouldn't stay very still and kept squirming.  ha!
After a too-short visit, Nana and Bumpa left.   It was so good to see them, as we missed them SOOOO much!!
Once Nana and Bumpa get their second vaccine shots (and maybe Eric has his rounds), we anticipate planning a big ol' family bash.  We miss our family!!!

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