Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Day 1 of His Own Business

 After many many months of preparation and formalizing paperwork to start a business - and, after COVID hit, throwing everything in a holding pattern for a while, Eric completed his first polygraph, under the name of his very own business, yesterday.

In preparation and to confirm his hardware and software functionality, he polygraphed ME.  Admittedly, I wasn't a very good "patient", but he caught me in my "lie"!  ha!  I was impressed.  :-)

On the way out the door for his first day, I tried to snap pictures of Eric.  He was NOT impressed and was not being very cooperative!!!!   So... these are the best pics I got of his first day.   Maybe Eric will smile nice for me next time?! ha!
Either way, VERY HAPPY for my dear hubs.   Having one's own business is quite an accomplishment.  And, I'm happy that he will be his own boss.    Give 'er h*ll, babe!  

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