Saturday, March 13, 2021

Spring Break

We were lucky to have Connor home with us all week for Spring Break!   Due to the downstairs reno, his bedroom is a complete wreck.  (Poor kid!!!)  The lower level family room is also in shambles still.  But, nonetheless, he was here and we were all pleased with that.    

Ramsey was lucky to have Big Brubby home to play Minecraft on the X-Box and light saber battles.  One afternoon, Connor even went out with Ramsey and the neighbor girls and played tag.  What a great kid!!  I'm not sure if I know too many 19-year-olds who would willingly play with kids 10 and 12 years his junior. 

Other highlights for Ramsey were play dates with "the Girls", playing outside, building compounds, playing with Plah-Doh, and a gazillion other crazy kid things.  

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