Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Star Wars Jedi Force Levitator

 Ramsey received a very fun and interesting toy for his birthday (from Nana and Bumpa); a Star Wars Jedi Force Push Levitator.   It's a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) toy.  And, Ramsey loves science, so we're using this as an at-home learning tool, as well as something fun to play with!

It uses electrical charges to suspend and move objects (in this case, very light silver "streamer-like" circles and spheres) in mid-air using electrostatic force.    You can "force push" with the Jedi training rod or "force pull" with your hand.  Crazy cool!  

It took Eric and I a few tries to get the hang of it.  And, it took Ramsey more than a few tries, but he finally got the hang of it.  So fun!

This picture isn't great, but the videos show a better idea of what happens.  :-)

Previous attempts:

I figured if Ramsey had a science fair at school, this might be the perfect type of thing to showcase.

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