Monday, September 27, 2021

Fall Soccer

 Fall soccer is definitely interesting.  I had forgotten how odd the weather can be.  On double header days, we are wearing winter jackets, gloves, and donning blankets.  Then, the afternoon games, we are in short sleeves and perhaps shorts!

Anyhoo.... just posting a few random pics of Ramsey's Fall soccer games here.   

They have goalies this year, so Ramsey was able to play this position multiple times.  He liked being able to switch it up and play that position periodically.

He has only had one practice this year, which is a bit challenging, as this is the year the kids need to start learning the "big boy rules" of the game.  But, with coaches being volunteer parents, you roll with it - everyone is busy!
Ramsey loves it though and has so much fun!

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