Friday, September 3, 2021

"SOARing" in School

 So far, Second Grade is going well for Ramsey.  He LOVES his teacher, he has an array of different friends, both in school and on the bus, and he says he enjoys it (says it's "not as boring as he thought it might be" [after virtual learning for his entire First Grade year]).

His teacher gives out SOAR ("Safety Ownership Achieving Goals Responsibility") slips when kids have gone above and beyond, being super good kids for various reasons.  

Today, he received a SOAR slip for being a "responsible student".   When I asked Ramsey what that meant, he said that when he finished his work early, he sat nicely and very well-behaved until other kids finished.  And, he said he had just a super day at school overall.  
Ramsey was so proud of himself.  And, we are too!  :-)

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