Sunday, October 24, 2021

Begging for Cinnamon Rolls

I'm not sure what brought about the request, but Ramsey had been begging for a week or two for us to make cinnamon rolls.   Because of all the keto and low-sugar diets in the house, I'm not supposed to make them.  EVER.  So, I hadn't made any for a few years.  But, I told Ramsey we would do this... after church.

So... here's Ramsey looking all handsome in his church gear.  

And... here he is helping Momma in the kitchen, making a sweet enriched dough for the swirly cinnamon rolls.
He so badly wanted to try some dough and "lick the beaters".  I had to remind him, this dough isn't what he might think he wants to gourge himself on.  He tried a little bite and realized.  Eck!
Even though the hair is desheveled and we're looking goofy, still have to take a selfie together, right?!
Ramsey was amazed at the process of how to make the actual rolls.  (It'd been a while and he didn't remember!) 
I was so happy when the dough rose like it should (I'm always paranoid).  I suppose after watching enough British Baking Show, I've learned a few extra tips from Paul Hollywood.  *wink*
Oddly, I didn't get pictures of the finished product - or even once they were baked, with the vanilla icing!   All we know is... dang, they were tasty!

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