Saturday, October 30, 2021

Sick Little Boy & Last Campfire of 2021

 Well... after we made our cinnamon rolls, Ramsey started feeling ill.   He stayed home from school on Monday... and again on Tuesday.  On Wednesday, we took him in (I suspected he had pneumonia) to see the pediatrician.  Confirmed... the kid has pneumonia.  *sigh*    So... he stayed home the rest of the week, taking antibiotics and nebulizer treatments.

By Friday, he was feeling better.  The weather was gorgeous, so we decided we all needed to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE for a bit.  

Eric started a campfire and we broke out the ingredients for s'mores.  Ramsey even tried a "real s'more" with a marshmallow on it (weird, I know!!! ha!).  He still didn't approve of everything "all mushed together", so he had a chocolate and graham cracker and a separate marshmallow.  

And, the sunsets just keep getting better and better; they're absolutely glorious.  God is good! 

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