Saturday, April 30, 2022

Obsessed With Sabaton

 Ramsey has a new obsession; Sabaton.   Sabaton is a power metal band from Sweden that combines heavy metal with Celtic folk, Norse chant, metal, orchestra/symphony, large choir, plus some hints of church hymns.   Their songs are written about historical war events and people; large battles, rages during wars, and significant warriors/heroes.  Their music is... well... awesome!  (Eric and I are even going to one of their concerts in October.)

With this new great love of Sabaton comes LEARNING, understanding, and inquisition about the great wars, historical events, and brave and powerful humans who fought with tremendous passion.   It also provokes more creative play time with his soldier guns, swords, shields, camouflage clothing, eyepatches, boxes, army guys, etc.

"Sword Excalibur"

"Running Through the Battlefields"

 And, with Ramsey's "must know" attitude, it also puts forth his willingness (nay, "need") to learn every word of his favorite songs (which there are a multitude).  For only seeing videos on YouTube and hearing the songs only a handful of times, he's got them memorized.  The lyric videos DO help!

Ramsey's rendition of "82nd All the Way", complete with pauses for guitar riffs, opening beats, etc.  This is a song about Sgt. Alvin York (from Tennessee), one of the most decorated soldiers of WWI, who won the Medal of Honor for his bravery and heroism.

Another of Ramsey's favorite Sabaton songs is "The Unkillable Soldier", which details the war career of Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart.   This steadfast man was shot multiple times (face, head, stomach, ankle, leg, hip, ear), lost his left eye, survived two plane crashes, tunneled out of a POW camp, and tore off some of his own fingers when a doctor declined to amputate them. 
This is Ramsey dressed up as Sir Adrian.  Notice he's got his hand missing in the picture below.  🤣  This kid!

One more video of Ramsey singing a Sabaton song, "Attack of the Dead Men", which dictates the fight during WWI between the Germans and Russians at Osoweic Fortress, whereas the Germans were attacking with might (and chlorine gas to boot).  The Russians, wearing gas masks, kept pushing forward and prevailed, despite the Germans' best efforts. 
Eric couldn't find his gas mask for Ramsey to play with, so Ramsey improvised.  I'm not sure how he came up with toilet paper for an alternate solution.  😂
I love that Ramsey is so eager to learn through the songs, videos, and play.  I also love that Ramsey will jam out in the car with me, to metal music.   Eric is happy that Ramsey will finally sit down and watch war documentaries with him! 
#Sabaton #SabatonRules!

Friday, April 29, 2022

Spring Concert '22

 Spring Concert Day at school... a day Ramsey has been anticipating for months!  He's been quite excited.  And, his classmates (and Music Teacher Mr. Wilson) have been working so diligently.

We got Ramsey's picture the morning of the show, of course.
There were two live-streamed performances for family members who couldn't join.  Just because I was curious, I logged on for the morning show.   
I also attended the afternoon show (Eric had a business meeting, but watched the morning show).  
I made sure to get a good spot in the crowd.  😊

The second graders performed three songs.  I recorded two, but SHOULD HAVE recorded the song called "Hope".  It was so sweet, it brought tears to my eyes!

They also performed a song called "Easy Does It" (see video).

The last song was entitled "Ollie's Song".  The kids were so cute, doing their little actions!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Jack O'Ramsey

 Jack O'Ramsey?  Or, perhaps Ramsey O'Lantern?  Either way, this kid's mouth is looking sillier by the day!  He came home from school with one of his front teeth in his pocket (wrapped in a Kleenex).  

The other one front tooth loose too, but Ramsey won't let us wiggle his teeth much.  He hates losing teeth!  He wants to stay a kid forever.  I hear ya pal, I hear ya.  😉

Thursday, April 21, 2022


 I don't often feel like a "hero" (in fact... never really!).   When I opened up Ramsey's school folder yesterday and found this sheet, tears filled my eyes.  

Then, the final version came through on Ramsey's SeeSaw app from school, with a video of Ramsey reading it.   Awww!
Ramsey, you're my hero too.  😊😍😘🥰

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Pelican Lake

 There's actually a lake not too far away that's named "Lake Pelican".  The last few days, it's as if our lake is posing for that namesake.

NEVER have we EVER had so many water birds hanging around.  There are pelicans, egrets, and gulls, all hovering, swimming, and getting their fill of fish.   It's quite magnificent really.  And, also a bit loud.  😊

By the time I took pictures, many of the birds had gone farther north.  It was still quite a sight!

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter!

 Happy Easter!!  Jesus has risen!

Ramsey and I were the first ones up on Sunday morning for church.  While Ramsey was eating breakfast, he couldn't help but find a few scattered Easter eggs throughout the house.  I reminded him that he had to wait until we got back from church and lunch - and for Connor!  It was difficult, but he made it.

We picked up Nana K from her apartment and went to Easter church celebration.  
Afterwards, we went downtown to a new place on Main Street to have Easter brunch.
It was a bit unconventional, but it had been such a chaotic week, I was thankful to not have to cook or do dishes.   And, we had plans to get back home to try to get the dock in the lake (the WIND has been horrendous this entire month).
When we returned home, the boys found the letter from Easter Bunny Harry.  
Once again, he'd set up a scavenger hunt for the boys.  And, once again, it was too cold and windy to have any outside hunting, so it was all indoors.  
Each clue was found in funny little places.  And, apparently when Harry was in the pantry, he about got buried.  I guess it's time to clean out the pantry.
The last clue got them to the office, where the boys found their baskets full of candy and presents.
Connor received only items to rot the teeth (and good thing he still has a great metabolism).   Ramsey received a Geode kit and two books from the Dog Man series (in addition to some sugary goodies).

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Family Circus

Now, I don't recall the last time we were ALL together to go to the circus (due to where ever Connor was to be for the particular weekend).  Neverind, I checked.  We never have.  I do remember taking Connor many times and Ramsey at times, but never all of us together.  It's a first!

We went to the late Friday night show.  Ramsey picked out the light-up toys he wanted (Connor said he was OK and passed on the toys) and we headed for the bouncy castle.
Dad headed over to get popcorn and cotton candy.  :-)    Then, Ramsey rode the elephant.  Again, Connor said "I'm good" and watched on the sideline with me.  😂
Ramsey said he was quite scared up there and didn't care for it much.  He enjoyed it the last few times he went.   We forewent camel rides and pictures with the "circus unicorn".  
There weren't any lions or tigers this year, which was a bit of a bummer.
But, there were lots of fun acts; entertaining clowns, tricky dogs, clever horses, ladies who twirled in silks and ropes...  And then, there was THIS guy.  He truly was defying death.  He nearly fell a few times.  And once, when he faltered, he rode the bottom of the sphere down to the ground and pummeled into the audience.  It was nuts!  ...Pretty awesome though.
We did, however, leave right after intermission.   It was late and Ramsey'd had enough.  I would have stayed!    I'm already looking forward to next year.  ☺

That said, when we got home, the boys weren't quite done carousing yet.  
There is literally nothing I love more than a house full of laughter; it makes my heart smile so much.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Connor's Home!

 Connor is like a celebrity around here.  When he comes home from college, everyone is excited.  And Jango... well, Jango really has no idea what to do with himself sometimes.  😂

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Kind-Of Playing Hooky

 Today, the weather was supposed to be REALLY bad; snow, wind, ice, fog, freezing ran.  And, when I looked outside, the roads were slick, the temps were freezing, the wind was nuts, and it was extremely foggy.  It was 6AM and I was up and awake for the day.  There wasn't a call from the school calling anything off, which I thought was odd. 

I don't know what it was, but something just in my gut said, "Let Ramsey stay home today."   I was worried about the roads and the weather.  So, I stayed up and let Ramsey sleep in.

Within a few hours, the fog had completely lifted, the roads dried up, and the wind wasn't awful.  My gut may have failed me on this one.  SO... basically Ramsey got sort of a day to "play hooky" from school.  Yikes!  When I was a kid, my Mom would let me do this so we could spend a day together doing something fun.  Those were the best days! 

Ramsey spent his day hanging out with Daddy (and me when I could get away!), playing Army Guys, light sabers, listening to his now-favorite band (Sabotan), and playing with cardboard boxes.  That's educational!! 😉
We did have one sad dude in the house though; Jango was glum because he had been blocked out of Ramsey's play area in the kitchen/dining area.  Ramsey had quite a spread of toys set up for various battles and what-not.  Jango had been unable to leave them alone.
So... hooky day.  Sorry, not sorry!

Monday, April 11, 2022

Improvements with Swim Lessons

 I know it may not seem like "a big deal" for improvements with swim lessons for Ramsey at Age 8.  But, he has always been quite tentative with the water (not a terrible thing when a small child is living on a lake!), but it also held him back from being a fluent swimmer.   

In previous years of swim lessons, he was less able to focus and learn true swimming techniques.  Really, most of what he learned was from us, while swimming in the lake - essentially "doggy paddling" with a life jacket.

The fact that he is now "showing off" and dunking his head under water and allowing his face to be in the water is quite an achievement for him!

He's now learning how to back float, front float, freestyle, and backstroke.
He needs to learn to keep air in his lungs so he stays afloat better, but he has started to blossom and is not holding back as he used to.
When formal swim lessons are complete for the day, it's off for a few minutes of "free swim"/play.  This is probably Ramsey's favorite part of swim lessons!
Ramsey told me that he would like to have his next birthday party at the Family Y.   Great idea!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Mystery Reader

At the last parent/teacher conferences, Ramsey's teacher asked if either Eric or I would come into the classroom to be a "Mystery Reader".    Eric offered me, since he says I am the more "animated one".  ha!  I was happy to oblige. 😊

 It was a secret we'd had to keep from Ramsey for weeks!  That was rather difficult, but we managed.
In the morning, there were clues given as to who the mystery guest was.  Of course, Ramsey knew. 
Apparently I was the first parent to be the Mystery Reader this year, so it was something new for everyone.   I took cookies and apple juice for the kiddos to chow on while I read.   

I chose two of Ramsey's and my favorite spins on fairy tales, "The Real Story of the Big Bad Wolf" and "The Stinky Cheese Man" (a substory of the book "The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales").
The kids seemed to enjoy the books, though some of them admitted to having heard them before (but they noted they were still very happy to hear them again!).  
It was fun to meet the kids I hadn't had the pleasure to get to know yet.  Some were VERY chatty and outgoing.  And, I got a TON of hugs when I was there -  plus many requests for play dates with Ramsey.

Update:  The next day, Ramsey handed me this super sweet card that the kids made and signed.  Per Orion, I am "the best"!  (I knew I liked that kid!! haha!)