Friday, April 29, 2022

Spring Concert '22

 Spring Concert Day at school... a day Ramsey has been anticipating for months!  He's been quite excited.  And, his classmates (and Music Teacher Mr. Wilson) have been working so diligently.

We got Ramsey's picture the morning of the show, of course.
There were two live-streamed performances for family members who couldn't join.  Just because I was curious, I logged on for the morning show.   
I also attended the afternoon show (Eric had a business meeting, but watched the morning show).  
I made sure to get a good spot in the crowd.  😊

The second graders performed three songs.  I recorded two, but SHOULD HAVE recorded the song called "Hope".  It was so sweet, it brought tears to my eyes!

They also performed a song called "Easy Does It" (see video).

The last song was entitled "Ollie's Song".  The kids were so cute, doing their little actions!

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