Monday, April 11, 2022

Improvements with Swim Lessons

 I know it may not seem like "a big deal" for improvements with swim lessons for Ramsey at Age 8.  But, he has always been quite tentative with the water (not a terrible thing when a small child is living on a lake!), but it also held him back from being a fluent swimmer.   

In previous years of swim lessons, he was less able to focus and learn true swimming techniques.  Really, most of what he learned was from us, while swimming in the lake - essentially "doggy paddling" with a life jacket.

The fact that he is now "showing off" and dunking his head under water and allowing his face to be in the water is quite an achievement for him!

He's now learning how to back float, front float, freestyle, and backstroke.
He needs to learn to keep air in his lungs so he stays afloat better, but he has started to blossom and is not holding back as he used to.
When formal swim lessons are complete for the day, it's off for a few minutes of "free swim"/play.  This is probably Ramsey's favorite part of swim lessons!
Ramsey told me that he would like to have his next birthday party at the Family Y.   Great idea!

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