Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Last Day of 2nd Grade

 If I said I wasn't sad that Ramsey's last day of school was today, I'd be lying.   Will I miss getting up every morning at 6AM to get Ramsey on the bus by 6:45?  No.   Will I miss Ramsey's excitement from learning at school?  Yes.   Will I miss his amazing 2nd Grade Teacher Mrs Hermansen?  Absolutely!

Nonetheless, time goes by and Ramsey's now graduated and will be a third grader come Fall.  Bittersweet.

As mementos from 2nd Grade (for all of us!), Ramsey had these two booklets to remember his school year.  
He read them to us, reading stories he had written the past year and reminiscing about his favorite things.
And, just to clarify, his favorite subject was "MATH".   ðŸ˜‚

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