Monday, May 16, 2022

Underwater Dock

 We put the dock out in April this year, as usual, in order to slay the early walleye.   Good stuff!
Then, some larger rains to the North of us caused a disastrous run-off, putting our dock very much
under water!

In freezing water temps, donned in wetsuits and waders, Eric and Connor dove in to find dock panels that had popped up and sunk, plus move the dock level up (raising it higher on the legs).   Prior to the heavy rains (none of which actually hit us directly), the dock had plenty of leeway.   We had assumed that all of the winter run-off was done and we were in the clear.

When all of the panels had been fished out (using garden tools!), they were brought to me to clean with Dawn spray-on soap and the power washer.  They.... were... nasty!   The panels were put away until the water levels are more normal and can be placed on the dock again.  Ugh, this Spring!

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