Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ramsey Says - 2022

As Ramsey gets older, he still says things that put us in stitches.  But, we're getting a bit lax on actually writing them down.   That said, here's the captured quotes from 2022!

3/12/22 - After church, we went to Walmart.  Ramsey did NOT want to be there.   I wanted to browse just a little bit.
Ramsey: "C'Mon Mom, EYES ON THE PRIZE!"

3/15/22 - Watching the news, some clips of Biden's speeches were being played (with incoherent verbiage).
Ramsey: "Oh Biden... you've really outdone yourself THIS time!"  (*sigh*)

3/17/22 - St. Patty's Day.  In the midst of trying to take Ramsey's picture...
Ramsey: "Mom, stop begging to take my picture.  It's like YOU'RE the child and I'M the adult!"

4/30/22 - Ramsey had just watched a YouTube game video that really freaked him out.
Ramsey: "Mom, I hate being scared.  My only vulnerability... is my fear!"
5/10/22 - Truck ride to town (Eric, Kara, Ramsey)
Ramsey, gaming in the back seat:  "I wish I had some war games on my Kindle."     
Me: "They're too violent for you right now.  You'll have to wait a few more years."
Ramsey: "But, I can handle blood!"
Me: "Um, after you watched the Sparta video, you couldn't sleep for a week!"
Ramsey: "Ya, but I'm a lot OLDER now!"
Me: "That was a month ago."
5/13/22 - Tucking Ramsey in at Night.
Ramsey: "Mommy, I don't like you when you fart in my room."
Me: "Ramsey, I always love you... when you're good, when you're not-so-good, when you fart..."
Ramsey: "Would you still love me if I kicked you in the nuts?"
You can imagine the rest of that conversation.   ("First of all, we don't say that!!".....)
8/17/22 - Eric had gotten sun-burned and his arms were peeling. 
Eric: "Ramsey, when I'm done molting, do you think a better-looking man will be unveiled?"
Ramsey: "Probably not, it'll probably be worse."
9/20/22 - Eric and Ramsey were watching TV.  A commercial about cashing in life insurance policies came on.   
Eric (teasing Ramsey): "I cashed in your life insurance policy and got $4.00."
Ramsey: "Dad, can I have the money?"
Eric: "No, I spent it on cigarettes."
Ramsey:  "You're a drug addict!!!"
9/23/22 -Backstory: Ramsey had gotten into his first playground brawl at school (Ramsey called it a "fist fight"!).  He was sticking up for another child who was being bullied (proud of him for doing this!).  As he was explaining what was happening, he said, while trying to hit back to protect himself, "My punches were ineffective!"  He also noted, "I took that beating for Gabe!"
And no, no bloodshed and no black eyes were created in that process.  ;-) 
We will, however, start more seriously considering Taekwando lessons!!!

9/25/22 -On the way to Sunday School...
Ramsey: "Mom, I want to be a grandpa someday.  When I'm old, I want to live at an assisted living place.  And, I'll sit and play Roblox... and I'll go into chat... and I'll yell at kids."  (he laughs)  "And, I'll point my finger and say, 'GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!!"

12/12/22 - The school has sent out notices already that there will be no school tomorrow (BIG storms coming through for the remainder of the week)
Eric: "Ramsey, you can play your game tomorrow.  There's no school."
Ramsey: "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!  I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that.  I know my education is critical."

Christmas in ND

 The weather, though still nasty, had tamed down a bit.  At least, enough to make the trip to see Eric's side of the family.   We're really getting tired of this winter and it's not even January!  Gah!!   We were also very eager to everyone; it had been far too long!

The kids are all growing up.  With each year that passes, it's bittersweet.
Our present-opening was rather fun-filled.  The kids got some interesting things!
Years ago, we pulled the "prank boxes" on Isaac.  This year, Uncle Troy and Auntie Sarah had pranks for Ramsey.  This was rather fitting since one of Ramsey's new chores is picking up dog poop!  
As for Connor, I would have taken a video, but it would have eaten up too much bandwidth.  Again, he "forgot" to fill out his Elfster Wish List.  So, once again, he got the "box inside of a box inside of a box inside of a box". 
This one was even crazier than last year's!  There were like a DOZEN wrapped gifts; some with twine, string, duct tape...  
Connor got a kick out of it (as we all did).  And, the hard labor of present-opening was rewarded with some cold hard cash.
After present-opening, it was time for more snacks. Plus, a few games of Rummikub and Chicken Foot.
When we left the next day, the visibility was low, but the flocked trees were gorgeous.  
I think Jango was bushed from all the play and fun. He had a nice little nap on the way home while we slowly battled the icy roads and fog.  (Best idea ever.)

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas!

 Merry Christmas!

Well, the IDEA today was to go to church together as a family, then go visit Nana Karen.  We got up, got ready, and when we were heading to town, it had started to blizzard!  The snow was getting THICK, sticking to the roads, and the wind was coming up.  Ugh.

Instead of going to church, we went straight to Nana's and decided it wouldn't be a terribly long stay, unfortunately, if we wanted to make it home.

We visited....
And messed around (the boys were laughing, playing Bloody Knuckles)...
We gave Nana her Christmas presents!
It was a long stressful drive home in thick snow and low visibility.  But, we made it!

The boys hadn't opened their gifts from Santa yet, so they opened them up before we had lunch.
Ramsey was pleased to get some military Legos...
And a super cool Flintlock pistol (cap gun).
Connor got a nice stack of cash, candy, and hygiene products (ha!).  It must have been an exciting day because not long afterwards, he and Jango were "out"!  
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Happy Christmas Eve

 The frigid temps and rotten roads kind of solidified that we would stay home; no one comes, no one goes.  It would be just the four of us for Christmas Eve.

As per usual, we ate pizza and put on YouTube videos of Julian Neal and his barbershop-type Christmas carols.

Ramsey gave us a present of a picture he had drawn (and framed) in school.  It is a castle on a mountain.
Lots of presents and lots of laughs...
Gotta give a good wink to the camera....
Ramsey had a "moment" when he opened up one of his gifts....
He received a highly-coveted AK-47 toy rifle.
Fun reactions from receiving some cold hard cash!
Connor stashed his in his billfold immediately.  Smart boy.
Connor either didn't want to be in many of the pics or he was taking the pics.  You see what happens when the boys do the pictures... (note the little guy behind me).  *straight face*
Yes, the weather was garbage, but we had each other and we had a nice evening together.  These are certainly cherished memories.
The reindeer even got some treats this year.  :-)