Saturday, December 24, 2022

Happy Christmas Eve

 The frigid temps and rotten roads kind of solidified that we would stay home; no one comes, no one goes.  It would be just the four of us for Christmas Eve.

As per usual, we ate pizza and put on YouTube videos of Julian Neal and his barbershop-type Christmas carols.

Ramsey gave us a present of a picture he had drawn (and framed) in school.  It is a castle on a mountain.
Lots of presents and lots of laughs...
Gotta give a good wink to the camera....
Ramsey had a "moment" when he opened up one of his gifts....
He received a highly-coveted AK-47 toy rifle.
Fun reactions from receiving some cold hard cash!
Connor stashed his in his billfold immediately.  Smart boy.
Connor either didn't want to be in many of the pics or he was taking the pics.  You see what happens when the boys do the pictures... (note the little guy behind me).  *straight face*
Yes, the weather was garbage, but we had each other and we had a nice evening together.  These are certainly cherished memories.
The reindeer even got some treats this year.  :-)

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