Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas!

 Merry Christmas!

Well, the IDEA today was to go to church together as a family, then go visit Nana Karen.  We got up, got ready, and when we were heading to town, it had started to blizzard!  The snow was getting THICK, sticking to the roads, and the wind was coming up.  Ugh.

Instead of going to church, we went straight to Nana's and decided it wouldn't be a terribly long stay, unfortunately, if we wanted to make it home.

We visited....
And messed around (the boys were laughing, playing Bloody Knuckles)...
We gave Nana her Christmas presents!
It was a long stressful drive home in thick snow and low visibility.  But, we made it!

The boys hadn't opened their gifts from Santa yet, so they opened them up before we had lunch.
Ramsey was pleased to get some military Legos...
And a super cool Flintlock pistol (cap gun).
Connor got a nice stack of cash, candy, and hygiene products (ha!).  It must have been an exciting day because not long afterwards, he and Jango were "out"!  
Merry Christmas!

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