Friday, April 28, 2023

Ice is OFF the Lake (FINALLY)

Well... it's a MONTH late, but today was finally the day that the ice moved off the lake!

This pic is around 9AM on April 28th.

We had a crew of people here working on the reno (electricians and the guys measuring for the quartz countertops).  We were all gawking out the window, watching these poor fellas.  Apparently their ice house had frozen to the lake and fallen through.  They had tied blue plastic barrels to the ice house to keep it afloat.  Then, between the small hand-steered outboard on the back of this boat, plus two people with paddles, they slooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwly made their way to the landing to get the house of the water.  Ugh.
By 3PM, the ice was off the lake completely!   Hallelujah!

Thursday, April 27, 2023

April Testing

 To say that April was a grueling month at school is a bit of an understatment.  (Actually, mid April through early May.)   There were three weeks of daily testing (for the state).   Kiddos were instructed to "get their sleep", have a good breakfast, yada yada yada.  

Family was asked to write encouraging little notes to the students; one for each day of testing.  We had a dozen notes for Ramsey.  Some had quotes by Winston Churchill, Obi Wan Kenobi, and even Sebastian J Cricket from the Pinnochio remake movie.  Other notes were happy notes from us and grandparents.  Note:  After testing, Ramsey would not let us throw those notes away; they are in his bedroom for safe-keeping.

Here's a picture of Ramsey after testing.  

HA!  (looking a little rough)

Ms. H awarded them with treats and a movie for their hard work and dedication to the grueling time focusing on their online exams.

When we received his test scores back, they were INCREDIBLE.   Even with focus issues, Ramsey was able to rock out the tests, with scores at the very top.  Nice job, buddy!!

Monday, April 24, 2023

Aurora Borealis

 Eric has told me stories, many times, of college days in the far north, watching the Northern Lights dance across the dark winter skies.  I'd never seen them in real life; only in pictures and on TV.

For a month, Facebook feeds were crawling with pictures that people were posting of the magnificent natural spectacle.  I was eager to see them!

During the last few days, my Facebook feed was blowing up again with notes that the Aurora Borealis would be intense this week, given the skies were clear.

Last night, we had good weather and not many clouds.   Eric and I went outside.  I didn't see a lot at first.  We went back a few minutes later and I could see the yellow lights dancing in the sky.  It was gorgeous!  I took some pics.  The pics are much more colorful than the actual Northern Lights that we saw.

Part of the time, I was just taking pictures, as the lights weren't very bright.  Again, the photos were much more vibrant.
This particular picture below really creeped us out.  I just took it blindly as I was looking at the sky.  The blob in the upper left is my finger.  The blob in the lower left is the top of a tree.  The orange thing bolting from the sky was "the something" that gave us the willies... big time.   
As I zoomed into the picture on my phone, it looks like a devil/demon, headed towards the earth.  I'm no conspiracy theoriest, but this one was really strange!
Needless to say, I said a few extra prayers that night, just to be safe!!  😁

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The $#*# is Finally Melting!

 We're finally having some nice weather; warmer temps and sunshine.

The white #$%@# is finally starting to melt!  It'll be a while before the ice is off the lake though....

This winter is dragging onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...................

Maybe in a few weeks, I'll finally be able to see across the lake!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Home STEM Fun - Geodes

 The Easter Bunny left Ramsey a fun little STEM project in his basket this year; a geode kit!

So.... we got out the hammer, goggles, scored around the middle of the rock... and went to town, whacking away!
It was a stubborn little rock and didn't want to break easily, but we got it.
Ramesy likes geodes.  When Grandpa Mike passed, he left Ramsey his amethyst geode that he'd purchsed a few years prior.  
It has tiny tiny carved pewter minors, digging away at rocks.  

Sunday, April 9, 2023


 HAPPY EASTER!  We celebrate that JESUS HAS RISEN!

As a whole family, we got gussied up in our Sunday best, and headed to church.  Sidenote... and totally sounding like a Boomer here, but we have a high of 41°.  Hallelujah!

Before we left, Ramsey found a letter that the Easter Bunny had written.  As per usual, EB had concocted a scavenger hunt.   
As to not be tardy for church, Ramsey only read it.  Completing the scavenger hunt would have to wait until we were home from our festivities!
After church services, we picked Nana Karen up from her apartment and headed to Tokyo Steakhouse, everyone's favorite!
The chef's flinging knives and fireballs were entertaining, as always.  Nana K thought the flames were getting a little too close and was worried about her hair catching afire!  HA!
While waiting for the food, Eric got Ramsey to try a lime slice for the first time.  A new first food for the kiddo.  He winced and puckered and I don't think he'll be eating plain lime slices again anytime soon.
Time to head home for some pics and scavenger hunt fun.  And... change clothes!
I put bunny ears on Eric, but he refused to look up and smile.
Still refusing.
The scavenger hunt took Ramsey all around the house.  Connor tapped out of the scavenger hunt this year.
The clues took him to the massage chair.... the treadmill....
The fireplace....
The downstairs family room....
The bathroom... (EB always does a bathroom clue!!)
Ramsey always laughs at the bathroom clues.
Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 6, 2023

April 4th and 5th Blizzard!

 More than two feet of snow the last week and a half... and lots of blowing wind.  Yuck! 

I don't have many words for this anymore.   Ramsey loves it because... well... snow days!! 
Eric went outside to snow blow for the first time in SHORTS.  Well... I guess it was a whole 25° today, so there's that.
The view from my office window is not getting any better.  🤨😠   I'm seriously claustrophobic now.  C'mon, man!   Typicallyh, this time of the year, the ice is off the lake and the snow is gone or mostly gone.  This is unreal.

Another round of snow-blowing at night.  This was about the third session n the last two days.  Can we be done with winter now please?

And, then a cold front blew in the night of the 5th and into the 6th... record-breaking LOW temps!
This is the worst winter I remember since 1996-1997 (in JUNE of '97, we still had snow in the shelter belts).
Being a bit grumpy, we all decided to stay home and stay where it's warm and toasty.  We're even missing the Shrine Circus this year.  ☹