Thursday, April 6, 2023

April 4th and 5th Blizzard!

 More than two feet of snow the last week and a half... and lots of blowing wind.  Yuck! 

I don't have many words for this anymore.   Ramsey loves it because... well... snow days!! 
Eric went outside to snow blow for the first time in SHORTS.  Well... I guess it was a whole 25° today, so there's that.
The view from my office window is not getting any better.  ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜    I'm seriously claustrophobic now.  C'mon, man!   Typicallyh, this time of the year, the ice is off the lake and the snow is gone or mostly gone.  This is unreal.

Another round of snow-blowing at night.  This was about the third session n the last two days.  Can we be done with winter now please?

And, then a cold front blew in the night of the 5th and into the 6th... record-breaking LOW temps!
This is the worst winter I remember since 1996-1997 (in JUNE of '97, we still had snow in the shelter belts).
Being a bit grumpy, we all decided to stay home and stay where it's warm and toasty.  We're even missing the Shrine Circus this year.  ☹

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