Friday, April 28, 2023

Ice is OFF the Lake (FINALLY)

Well... it's a MONTH late, but today was finally the day that the ice moved off the lake!

This pic is around 9AM on April 28th.

We had a crew of people here working on the reno (electricians and the guys measuring for the quartz countertops).  We were all gawking out the window, watching these poor fellas.  Apparently their ice house had frozen to the lake and fallen through.  They had tied blue plastic barrels to the ice house to keep it afloat.  Then, between the small hand-steered outboard on the back of this boat, plus two people with paddles, they slooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwly made their way to the landing to get the house of the water.  Ugh.
By 3PM, the ice was off the lake completely!   Hallelujah!

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