Sunday, July 16, 2023

Summer Flowers

 Planting flowers was SO late this year.  Usually, I am planting right after Mother's Day (or for sure by Memorial Day).  This year, it was into the first week of June.   But, after a few weeks, they were filling out and looking quite lovely.  The lilies on the side of the house were also a bit late to bloom this year.

June flowers:

The flowers really took off after Eric dumped loads of fish tank water on them.  The nitrogen was like a huge BLAST of fertilizating goodness!   These pics were a few weeks prior to the water dump and don't show how fully luscious and robust the flowers grew to be.  I'd never had such gorgeous planters.

Our big tank's water filter had taken a DIVE when we started the flooring process.  After several weeks of using the back-up system, plus ordering parts for and troubleshooting the big system, it was finally resolved (low pressure from some very light air leaks).  UGH, that was painful.

I also tried another go at a Clematis on the side of the house and another in the tall planter by the main entry door.  We'll see if it goes bananas... then, we'll see if it survives the winter in the shallow pot.  Crossing my fingers!

Now... zoom ahead a few weeks to July flowers:

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