Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Blast From The Ranch Past

 Facebook can come in handy from time to time.   One afternoon, a friend that we used to show cattle with EONS ago contacted me.   She said that she was going through her husband's things (also a good friend we used to show with) and found a couple of "vintage" ranch hats.  She wanted to know if I'd like to have them.   I was tickled when they arrived!

They're foamy old-style trucker hats.  I remember that they were made about the time I was about Ramsey's age in 1985 or 1986.  They were swag that we used to promote the ranch's "Integration Club Calf Sale".     One got a little smashed in shipping.

The days of showing cattle and living on the ranch seem like ancient history.  But, when these hats appeared, it took me back to so many of the amazing memories we had with the ranch and our show days.  Those were great times.  🥰💖

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