Sunday, September 24, 2023

2023 Harvest Stroll & Fun Day

 The annual Harvest Stroll at the museum is always a fun escape and excuse for a day of festivities.  This year, we recruited Ramsey's friend Orion, his Mom, and sister Tehya.  

We roamed all through the museum.  My favorite is always the animal exhibit (that's been there since God knows when!).
Ramsey loves the guns and WWII memorobilia.   In the gun area, they had a crafting section for apply tissue paper to mini pumpkins with decopage.  ...much less messy than carving one!
The kids bolted around more, goofing off in the tents, teepees, and Native American history area.
Upstairs, kids could try their hand at chopping wood, the old-fashioned way.
This one log must have been a little wet yet (or very dense).  Ramsey chopped on that thing for a while.  He got about half way split, then was pooped.
Orion gave it a whirl and and hammered it.  He could be a lumberjack someday!
Ramsey wanted to try it again.  It wasn't a one-hit wonder, but he got one split!
We bought some fun old-style toys at the gift shop and headed out.
It was off to Allevity for more entertainment!
The kids played loads of video games, climbed in the ball tower....
They moved around like spider monkeys on the climbing wall.
And, they played a ton of laser tag.
Ope!  And bumper cars... lots and lots of rounds of the bumper cars!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

I Cherish Our Walks

 I cherish my time with Ramsey.  I cherish our pre-bedtime conversations, our chats in the car, and our walks or hikes on the trail by our house.   I will cherish these moments forever.   And, for now, I cherish the fact that, though Ramsey is 9, he still grabs my hand while we're walking (every.. single.. time).  🥰

Tonight was a gorgeous evening.  It had cooled down from a muggy 90°, so we took Jango and went for an after-supper trek.

I watched Ramsey and Jango play chase, thinking what a glorious time this was and reveling in how much fun they were having.   Ramsey laughed and laughed.  My heart smiled.

Ramsey asked me if I wanted to take different trails (mowed areas vs the gravel path) this time.  We hadn't done that much.  Typically we stick to the main trail.

Then, he asked me if I wanted to lay down on the grass and watch the clouds.  We hadn't done that for such a long time.  Again, my heart was happy for the new perspective of this sweet boy.   One of the clouds he saw was of a "machine gunner".  ha!   Admittedly, I didn't quite see that image. 

After venturing farther on the regular trail, we found some giant airy dandelion-like puffs.  It was time to make a wish.  The puff was so large that Ramsey said he made about six wishes!  Sweet boy, I hope they all come true.

We decided to take yet another never-before-traveled path.  After a few moments, I heard something. 

 Then, we saw her; a beautiful white-tailed doe.  I couldn't get a close picture of her.  She stood there for a few seconds before bounding away.  

When we returned home, he asked me to play with him on his play set.  It was 8:00 and getting dark -  typically the time when Ramsey starts getting ready for bed.  I couldn't help but agree and enjoy the [late] summer evening.  

Before coming inside, we picked a few more normal-sized dandelion puffs.  They were one blow/wish heads.  Ramsey wished something kind for one of his friends.  And, my heart smiled yet again.  I hope his heart always finds beautiful ways to help and think about others.

Though this was just about an hour of our day, it was the most precious hour I'd had by far.  Yes, I am cherishing these times.  May they not fly by so quickly.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Visiting Nana K on her 79th B-Day

 On this special day, Ramsey and I drove to town to visit Nana.  Instead of visiting her on her actual birthday, we visited her after church.  We picked up some flowers from the store and also nummies from Culver's (her favorite burgers).

After chowing down Butter Burgers, Nana opened her presents.
And, we played Sorry, Hangman, and other games.

While they played their last game, I arranged flowers.  Dang, the colors were gorgeous!

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Film Fest 2023

We're still a Star Wars family, through and through.  The South Dakota Film Festival had been plastering details about the upcoming event all over Facebook.  Seeing "Star Wars" in the advertising caught my attention.

Of the multi-day lineup of many short films and documentaries was "Behind the Bucket: A Garrison Story".  This is a documentary that explores the Midwest Garrison of the 501st Legion, a community of Star Wars super fans who create and wear costumes that are exact to the films.  They show up for charitable events, visit sick children, etc.  

Eric and Ramsey donned some Star Wars gear and we headed out.

At the event, there was a VIP room, but the cost for passes was $250/person.  We're Star Wars fans, but we're also a bit cheap.  As we were walking into the venue and checking things out, one of the volunteers saw Ramsey in his Darth Vader hoodie and asked us if we'd like to meet Darth Vader, Obi Wan, and visit with the filmmakers in the VIP Room.  CHA-CHING!  Why yes, yes we would like that very much.  :-)

I suppose having a rather cute small child in tote is a rather useful tool when trying to score freebies. hehe

We first went into the Red Carpet room to get our pictures taken with Obi Wan and Darth Vader.  Ramsey had his picture taken with them, but then they asked Eric and me if we would like to also be in the pictures. Of course!  Unfortunately, they did not post the pictures online, so we don't have copies of the family photo. But, lots of pics of Ramsey!  

Ramsey was THRILLED, but he was acting very shy, so he didn't chit chat much with the director/star, producers, Obi Wan, or Darth.

After the photo shoot, we went into the VIP Room for hors d'oeuvres, drinks, and to mingle.

Then, on to the main event... the film!
The director (star of the film), producer, plus a few of the SD Film Festival people spoke about the making of the film and gave some history of the making of the documentary.
We enjoyed the film and the fun night out together.  ...wonder what will be on the venue NEXT year?!?  
Until next year, Capitol Theater.... unless, of course you have something else fun we must go see or do!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Stubborn Tooth

 Ramsey HATES losing teeth.  I'm not sure if it's the uncertainty of possible pain or discomfort.  I do know that it's a sign of growing up and he doesn't like the idea of growing up.  

In late June, he showed me his front incisors (the ones next to the front teeth).  They were both loose - very wiggly indeed!

On the first day we were at Nana and Bumpa's cabin (July 1st), Ramsey lost the top left lateral incisor tooth.  The permanent tooth had already been growing in behind it, eagerly wanting to be the only tooth in that position!

We thought, "for sure", the right lateral incisor would be coming out that very same week!

For the next few months, he twirled that tooth around and around, up and down.  It was literally hanging on by a thread.  And, that thread/gum was stubborn and had a grip like Iron Man.

I'd do periodic updates to make him show it to me.  Ramsey told me I was obsessed and he feared I'd just yank it.  I didn't... I was nice.  (Boy did I WANT to thought!!)  After a while, Eric didn't ask to see it anymore... he just couldn't look, as it grossed him out so bad.  ha!  

Before school started, I told Ramsey the tooth was COMING OUT before the first day.  He begged me to let him keep it because he was so freaked out.  I caved and let that darn thing continue to dangle.    Ramsey's friends at school told him, "Just yank that thing out already!"  Apparently they also could not understand why it needed to remain intact.

School picture day was noted to be September 19th.  I told Ramsey, he was NOT going to have his crazy tooth in his 4th Grade picture... it was coming out, for sure!

On the Saturday morning before, I told Ramsey he was banned from playing video games until I got that tooth out.  Reluctantly, he agreed.

Today was the day... September 16th - a momentous day indeed! Or not... glad we're finally DOING this.

After semi-wrangling this child with verbal Judo, he allowed me to take a Kleenex and pinch his tooth. He barely moved and it was out of his mouth.  BOOM.  Done.  It was so very anti-climactic, but it was over.

Unimpressed, he put a wash cloth dipped in cold water and sucked on it.   Jango was curious. HE seemed impressed.
Here's that naughty little stinkin tooth:
And here's a much nicer-looking smile!  
He still had a weird flappy piece of gum that was going to need to shrivel up.  But, better than that a snaggletooth on picture day.
Picture Day 2024 - 4th Grade:
I've already said a few prayers that the next tooth comes out with a bite of apple or something!!