Ramsey HATES losing teeth. I'm not sure if it's the uncertainty of possible pain or discomfort. I do know that it's a sign of growing up and he doesn't like the idea of growing up.
In late June, he showed me his front incisors (the ones next to the front teeth). They were both loose - very wiggly indeed!
On the first day we were at Nana and Bumpa's cabin (July 1st), Ramsey lost the top left lateral incisor tooth. The permanent tooth had already been growing in behind it, eagerly wanting to be the only tooth in that position!
For the next few months, he twirled that tooth around and around, up and down. It was literally hanging on by a thread. And, that thread/gum was stubborn and had a grip like Iron Man.
I'd do periodic updates to make him show it to me. Ramsey told me I was obsessed and he feared I'd just yank it. I didn't... I was nice. (Boy did I WANT to thought!!) After a while, Eric didn't ask to see it anymore... he just couldn't look, as it grossed him out so bad. ha!
Before school started, I told Ramsey the tooth was COMING OUT before the first day. He begged me to let him keep it because he was so freaked out. I caved and let that darn thing continue to dangle. Ramsey's friends at school told him, "Just yank that thing out already!" Apparently they also could not understand why it needed to remain intact.
School picture day was noted to be September 19th. I told Ramsey, he was NOT going to have his crazy tooth in his 4th Grade picture... it was coming out, for sure!
On the Saturday morning before, I told Ramsey he was banned from playing video games until I got that tooth out. Reluctantly, he agreed.
Today was the day... September 16th - a momentous day indeed! Or not... glad we're finally DOING this.
After semi-wrangling this child with verbal Judo, he allowed me to take a Kleenex and pinch his tooth. He barely moved and it was out of his mouth. BOOM. Done. It was so very anti-climactic, but it was over.
Unimpressed, he put a wash cloth dipped in cold water and sucked on it. Jango was curious. HE seemed impressed.And here's a much nicer-looking smile!
He still had a weird flappy piece of gum that was going to need to shrivel up. But, better than that a snaggletooth on picture day.
Picture Day 2024 - 4th Grade:
I've already said a few prayers that the next tooth comes out with a bite of apple or something!!
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