The annual Harvest Stroll at the museum is always a fun escape and excuse for a day of festivities. This year, we recruited Ramsey's friend Orion, his Mom, and sister Tehya.
We roamed all through the museum. My favorite is always the animal exhibit (that's been there since God knows when!).Ramsey loves the guns and WWII memorobilia. In the gun area, they had a crafting section for apply tissue paper to mini pumpkins with decopage. ...much less messy than carving one!
The kids bolted around more, goofing off in the tents, teepees, and Native American history area.
Upstairs, kids could try their hand at chopping wood, the old-fashioned way.
This one log must have been a little wet yet (or very dense). Ramsey chopped on that thing for a while. He got about half way split, then was pooped.
Orion gave it a whirl and and hammered it. He could be a lumberjack someday!
Ramsey wanted to try it again. It wasn't a one-hit wonder, but he got one split!

The kids played loads of video games, climbed in the ball tower....
They moved around like spider monkeys on the climbing wall.
And, they played a ton of laser tag.
Ope! And bumper cars... lots and lots of rounds of the bumper cars!
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