Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Project: Deck Upgrade

 So... the deck of the house between the garage and main entrance has been on our to-do list since we moved in!  This past winter, some of the boards were finally just getting too darn spongy to tolerate; someone was bound to get hurt soon.   Also, it's out-dated. 

I can also add that the idea of staining it one more time was nauseating (it's a yearly occurance!). 
We hired a local landscaper who had completed work for us in the past.  After the house reno, we just weren't in any mood to do the work ourselves.   The weather was still proving to be manageable, so the crew fit us in at the end of their working season.
The guys chainsawed and tore off the old deck in a matter of hours.  There was all kinds of gross weird things underneath that old deck.  Bleh!!
I was shocked that we didn't find any dead animals! ha!
And, then they commenced with leveling, placing blocks, and back-filling with dirt and gravel.
Then, the pavers were placed and what a change that was.
It turned out amazing (we think).   No more railing to have to walk AROUND (or climb over) to get to the roadside (back) yard!
Now.. just need to replace the old solar lights... they're a little wonky!!  That'll be a spring mini project. 😉

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