Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween!

 This year, Ramsey and I had a bit of a WWII theme going on.  He was a soldier and I went as Rosie the Riveter.

We started off by visiting Nana Karen at her home.   Ramsey was very stoic in all of his pictures.  He was very much into "keeping character".
At the nursing home that is attached, they had a trick-or-treating event, so we bopped over there to see people and get some candy!
We met up with Ramsey's classmate Orion and his Mom Heather, then took off to dom some trick-or-treating.   We stopped as the kids' teacher's house first, then off to a neighborhood.

Orion was the Grim Reaper and had creepy awesome glowing red eyes
We always have to stop at our chuch's Trunk or Treat event.  This year, due to potential weather, they held it indoors.  We didn't freeze our butts this year!
Happy Halloween!

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