Monday, October 23, 2023

October Dog Walk Challenge

At the end of September, I signed us up for the St. Jude's 31-Mile Dog Walk.  Start date: October 1.  End date: October 31.  

October weather here can be quite tricky.  We had about 50% that was great.  The other half, not so much, but we ventured out quite a bit anyway, me donning gloves, warm hats, scarves, and heavier jackets.  

We raised some money for an amazing charitable cause.  It wasn't a ton, but every bit helps.  And, it made Jango happy to get out of the house and it gave me an extra few steps to keep the ol joints working.

Sometimes Ramsey accompanied Jango and me.... sometimes he didn't. 

No matter the day, we always had beautiful scenic views.

In the end, we had feelings of great satisfaction and accomplishment.  
And, Jango earned a free dog leash.

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