Friday, November 24, 2023

Day-Off Baking

 The day after Thanksgiving is always a nice little break from work.  Ramsey decided to take advantage of our lounge day.

"Someone" wanted to start making homemade gingerbread cookies late in the day.

Not sure why said "someone" isn't smiling about it!!
"Someone else" could use some make-up.  🤣😬
"Someone" got super messy eating cookie dry mix (ew) and batter!
Someone and someone else had fun cutting out cookies.   It was all about airplanes, stars, and gingerbread people today.
"Someone" couldn't stay out the cookies and ate about three before we started icing them.
"Someone" also wanted to eat a bunch of icing... just because.
And someone (+ someone else) had a good time icing these bad boys.  The icing was a bit too loose, so it was runny.
But.. NO ONE cared about runny icing.  These suckers didn't last long!

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