Friday, November 24, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

 We had a small crowd for Thanksgiving this year; Eric, Ramsey, Connor, Nana Karen, and me.  Still, we had enough chow for a small army

This year, instead of an entire turkey (with parts and pieces no one likes to eat), I made a couple of turkey breasts in the crock pot.   They were brined with the usual concoction and cooked to perfection. Yum!
And, we made the family favorites; peas, corn, mashed potatoes, Nana Vicki's special candied sweet potatoes, crescent rolls, mushroom gravy, fresh cranberry sauce... and French silk chocolate pie.
Ramsey was in charge of setting the table.  No one loves doing too many dishes on Thanksgiving, so we took a few shortcuts.  Another new idea we'll be adding to the yearly tradition; paper plates!

After stuffing ourselves to the gills, we chilled and played games, visited, and watched some football.
We're thankful we're able to spend time together as a family.  We were missing others, but they were in our thoughts and heart.

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