Monday, October 12, 2015

Our Little One is Growing Up!

Oh how time flies.  Really.  Pictures and memories are the only ways to preserve the precious moments we have with our loved ones... especially the loved ones who grow and develop miraculously every day.   Our little Doodlebug is growing by leaps and bounds!

Here's Ramsey at 20 months, donning a new outfit, getting ready to take a trip with me to town (to get his flu shot - ouch! and go grocery shopping).   We should have booked a trip to see Godmomma Shana to get a haircut.  lol
Here he is on a day that we took Riggs for a walk and to practice with his throwing duck.
After we played with Riggs, he puttered around on his little trike.
Coming home after church....  We were going to stop by at the pumpkin patch, but it was raining!  Bummer.
Later that day, it was BATH TIME.  Those two words make Ramsey bolt for the tub, clothes and all!

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