Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Haunted Forest... on a Saturday Afternoon

Every year, Storybookland has a night time haunted forest tour that's sure to scare the dickens out of just about anyone (think scary clowns with chainsaws, bloody axe murderers chasing people, zombie hordes).   That's a bit rough for kids.  So, the themed park offers a matinee tour with candy for the littler rugrats.  
We put Ramsey's Halloween costume on him, and then headed into town.
Daddy had gotten called into work, so, it was Connor, Ramsey, and me!

The lines were LONG... really long... I'm amazed that all three of us had the patience!   Admittedly, it took about an hour and a half of waiting in line before we got to start the tour.   Connor and I took turns holding Ramsey.  If we let him down, he'd run off; he wanted to explore!  There were so many kids there in darling costumes.

I'm not going to lie... the bottle helped!  ...so did the "PBS Kids" app on my phone!!!

When it was our turn for the tour, we followed our tour guides through the grave stones and skulls in the cemetary, creepy tunnels with zombie brides, the haunted forest, and psychedelic rooms and collected goodies along the way.   Ramsey RAN for much of the tour (zig-zagging), stopping, of course, for sticks and rocks.  We fell behind of our tour troop and got passed up a time or two.  Oh well.  lol    Hence, I wasn't able to snag any pictures; I was too busy running after my toddler (in heeled boots, no less - lol)!

Ramsey needed to be carried again for about the last half mile of the tour.  Luckily, about the last quarter mile, our nice tour guide Andy (a student at PC) offered to carry him.  THANK YOU ANDY.

AWESOME PART: I got to spend the afternoon with my two super awesome boys!
Lessons learned: TAKE A STROLLER NEXT TIME.  And, wear comfortable shoes! (I swear, I had NO idea what to expect!)  ha!

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