Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Love of the Game....

Connor's gone football crazy!     He loves to play catch with Eric, watch it on TV, play Fantasy Football, and talk plays. This year, he's playing as an Eagle wide receiver (all local public middle schools/junior highs play together against other towns).

It seems that he's found a new camaraderie among his teammates which has deepened his friendships with them.   It's been great to see him so happy and excited for the games!

Here's our handsome kiddo!

And, here are shots from his last home game against Nana and Bumpa's home town.   They drove down to see him play too!


Unfortunately, they lost this game, but they got a pep talk from the coaches afterwards.  They have ONE more game on Thursday before they have to turn in their pads.

Until next year...!   Good luck Connor - we are proud of you!

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