Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Calling For Snow Please!

We've been waiting the entire winter to get the boys outside to play.  Either it's been TOO COLD, too windy, some of us had been under the weather - or, we've been gone.   Finally, this last weekend, it was beautiful outside - PERFECT outdoor winter fun temps!  Yay!

Everyone got bundled up; Eric and Connor dragged the ice house out to the lake and started fishing in the morning.
After lunch, Ramsey and I took Riggs out and attempted to go sledding.  Attempted.  :-)

It had been so nice the latter portion of the week that a lot of the snow melted (hello MUD) and what was left was not the "nice crunchy snow" (the good sledding snow), but was more like the stuff that you just sink into.  Oops.

Nonetheless, we sledded.  We had a dandy time going downhill!   We won't talk about going back up hill.  ha!  
Connor met up with us and grabbed his saucer sled.  Riggs chased him down the hill.
Ramsey loved being outside!  He trucked along, as well as he could, through the thick mushy snow.
We made our way over to see Daddy in the ice house.   Eric and Connor had been catching walleye, but the crappies and bluegill weren't biting.  Hmmm?!?
Of course, Ramsey wanted to get down and run around, but there are far too many dangers inside of an ice house.  So.... we didn't hang out with Dad too long.   

I rarely say this, but I am truly hoping for more snow!  Of course, I always have a caveat; I would also like the weather to stay NICE so we can enjoy the outdoors!   
Alas, we rarely ever get everything we want.  But, I'm sure we'll get one... or the other.  :-) 

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