Monday, February 1, 2016

No...Way...! Fourteen Candles on the Birthday Cake!?!

Another "whoah" moment.... Connor turns 14 TODAY!    To think that soon he will be driving me around like Miss Daisy, shaving on a regular basis, going on dates with girls, and, come next fall, a high school freshman.    Whoah, is right!

We celebrated Connor's birthday with him (Round 1) on Sunday.  We pigged out on pizza, had cake and ice cream, and opened presents.

Round 2 celebration will be when we take him to Sky Zone (an indoor trampoline park) in Fargo with a buddy for the day!

In my absolutely biased opinion (hehe), Connor is one great young man; so caring and sweet.  We're SO very proud of him and we look forward to seeing him grow into a wonderful adult (but NOT TOO QUICKLY!).    Love you Connor!

Connor's Favorites at 14:
Food: Pizza
Movie: Star Wars (all of them)
Class in School: P.E.
Least Favorite Class: Math
Activities: Sports (basketball and football), gaming, fishing
Video Games: Madden (NFL) and Call of Duty

Stats/Misc Info:
Height: 5'4"
Best Friends: Jared, Avery, Alex, Spencer, and Tayden
According to his birthday candles, he has FOUR girlfriends.  ha!

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