Thursday, February 4, 2016

Star Wars.... the Force Awakens!

As you all know, the older males of this family (er, ME TOO - shouldn't exclude myself!) have an obsession with Star Wars.  In the past few months, the tiniest of the household who carries the XX chromosomes has also become a serious fan.  However, the majority of the fandom/love is for Darth Vader, the most infamous and notorious super-villain ever known!

Here's how the love story began:
Well over a year ago, Connor scrounged through his cluttered closet and found a handful of his old chunky-style Star Wars action figures that he got from Burger King (eons ago); Darth Vader, Darth Mal, and an R2-D2.   Ramsey was introduced to them.  He didn't show a ton of interest just then.  Riggs did though, taking them intermittently as his own chew toys.  Some of them have the battle scars to prove it (sorry R2).

Fast-Forward to December 2015:
For Christmas, Daddy bought Ramsey two 31" Star Wars action figures (a storm trooper and Darth Vader - see previous post).
Then, just after Christmas, and in anticipation for Star Wars VII opening in theaters, Connor and Daddy went back to Connor's cluttered closet and cleaned house, looking for more Star Wars ANYTHING to introduce to Ramsey.
Buried deep in a corner in a plastic tub, they found the mother load of Star Wars toys (we thought they had been passed down to Connor's other brother Bridger, but alas, they apparently hadn't made it that far).
One by one, Daddy and Connor handed them to Ramsey, telling Ramsey their names.
He had just inherited a myriad Star Wars toys!  
Stunningly, this was immediate HEAVEN for Mr. Ramsey.
Ramsey now has more toys to add to his Favorites.

Jump ahead to January 2016:
The company Nana works [part time] for had a Christmas party at the movie theater.   We all went to see Star Wars VII.  Ramsey was a good boy and watched 2/3 of it (before his patience wore out and he needed to run - THANK YOU Auntie Sarah and Sadie for watching him for the last bit of the movie!  I didn't want to miss it.).

After we returned home, Ramsey's love for Vader and Star Wars continued to grow.   Eric found some more Star Wars parody songs on You Tube and we watch them daily... and repeatedly! :-) (Man, they're catchy!)  When Ramsey hears Star Wars scores, he snaps his head, gasps, and turns towards the TV.   And, when Darth Vader sings, Ramsey gets so excited; he points, sometimes jumps up and down or falls to his knees, and turns to make sure we can all see who's on TV.     TV Gold!

He has a strange affection for the dangerous Star Wars Sith Lords and "bad guys"!  Here he is giving hugs to Vader (a nightly ritual for all of his 31" Star Wars figures).
It is fun to watch Ramsey and play with him and his toys.  There are times when he is extremely meticulous, setting the characters up in a row, or separating/grouping them by characters (he has multiples or different variations of many of the characters).  
Ramsey loves taking his Star Wars guys with him where ever we go; to the store, out to eat, and even to Connor's basketball games!
A new nightly ritual is Ramsey, on Daddy's lap, looking at Connor's Star Wars "encyclopedias" and learning about the characters, planets, vehicles, and animals.  Ramsey can point out maybe 50 (?? a LOT- way more than I can!!) Star Wars characters already.  Eric would probably say more, but I won't get too carried away here.  :-)
They stopped on the Yoda pages here. Ramsey's showing us his Yoda figure.
 And when it's time for Night Night, he grabs Darth Vader and R2-D2 (his other favorite - a good droid, thank goodness!), gives everyone hugs and kisses and wishes them "nigh nigh", then we head downstairs.  There, he finds his Darth Vader plush stuffed doll (am I supposed to use "doll" in the same sentence as "Darth Vader"!?!?) and snuggles in.  We have story time, say our prayers ("May the Force Be With You"... and Also With You) - our real prayers too, and go to sleep.  

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