Friday, November 4, 2016

A Little Piece of Heaven

Too often we take for granted the true beauty of nature!   Yes, every day, I look across the lake and smile at the scenic view.   It's been such a hectic few months that we hadn't ventured too far on foot to check out the gorgeous environment in its autumn glory.

It's been so nice out lately that we've been itching to venture away.   Since Riggsy needs some much overdue extended exercise, I took him for a hike on the trail next to the lake, just to the South of us.

I started off with Riggs on a long leash.  His actions were precisely this: stop, sniff, pee, run, stop, look around, pee, sniff, poop, run, repeat.  My arm was getting exhausted, as was my patience.   So, off the chain he went, released from its confinement.  He was happier than ever, passing back and forth through the tall brush, scoping out scents that he'd tracked, and stopping every now and again to see where I was and to "doggie smile" at me.
He managed to scare up a few pheasant hens (that scared the dickens out of me; was NOT expecting that).
 Yup, it was a good day!   We'll be continuing this daily... as long as the weather stays friendly.

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