Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Golly Gee, Look Who Turned THREE!

Our "sweet little puppy" just had a birthday!   As of November 8th, Riggs is three years old.

Some people are nuts about photographing their pets.  I'm just nuts about photographing the family in general.   Our dog is no exception.  I'm posting pics as a walk down memory lane, from the adorable playful puppy months, to the rambunctious times of older puppydom (yup, just made that word up - no judging!) and early adolescence, to his maturation of the family's protector (or, at least 'barker-when-so-much-as-a-mouse-toots').
Before we met him:
The day we met him and brought him home (December 27th, 2013):
And the days since....
Right before Ramsey was born:
Kisses from Ramsey:
Halloween lion:
The day of his 1st Birthday:
More days in the life....
We had a fun little party for him (just before our "election party", with pizza and goodies) and gave him his presents (a big ol' bag of pigs' ears and a new frog squeaky/tug toy).
We gave him a pig's ear right away (gross, yes, but he loves them).  He inhaled it; it was gone in less than five minutes!
Happy Birthday, Riggsy... You're a faithful and loving companion... and just a darn good doggie! WUF YOU!

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