Sunday, November 27, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well.... I am ashamed to admit that, even though I had a house full of family on Thanksgiving Day, I only got two pictures!
Here's Ramsey, early that morning, being my little Sous Chef in the kitchen, though not doing much chef'ing, just gaming!
And, I created this post for the future... for when I say to myself "What happened on Thanksgiving that year?  What did we do?!?!"  Oh ya, it was at our house... but, like a bonehead, I didn't get pictures of everyone.  *groan*  Sorry family.

The house was indeed full (in such a good way!) and we had a wonderful time visiting, stuffing our tummies, playing outside in the new snow (great for snowballs!), and enjoying the afternoon.  Attendees: Eric, Kara, Ramsey, Riggs; Vicki & Bernie; Uncle Cory; Uncle Lance; Momma/Nana Karen.

At the end of the day, after everyone had left, it was purely a "vegetation night", merely lounging around, watching TV.... and Ramsey and me taking a few weird selfies.
The next day and over the weekend, we put up the Christmas Tree and decorations.  Fun!!   Another thing we missed on Thanksgiving was finding "A Christmas Story" to watch!  What the heck!?!

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