Toddlers are ever-changing and evolving... evolving into the little people that will someday rule the world! As we try to parent Ramsey to become an empathetic and sweet, confident, courageous, and courteous young man, sometimes we scratch our head at the things that this child does!
Ramsey's speech has blossomed this year, especially over the past few months. We do have many good chuckles. The darndest things come out of his mouth - some, I will NOT mention on this post! :-)
Precursor/Preface: If you don't give a rip about other people's kid's weird little stories (many are "had-to-be-there moments"), you might want to stop reading and save your time! :-) I'm adding these little stories and notables for when I print this blog out at the end of the year. It is our scrapbook and our yearly memories.
That said, I've often said, "Oh I wish I would have written that down", in regards to funny things Connor has said in the past (Ex: Age 6 or so, he said, "I want to be a black football player when I grow up!" - actually referring to wearing black
uniforms, like the Raiders - ha!). Well, I have one more chance to do it with Ramsey, so I've tried to write little things down here and there. I have missed a ton, but I'm trying.
Ok, so, here goes... here's my list of notable accomplishments by Ramsey. Or, "Things I Never Thought I would Say... Until I Had a Toddler":
* Spring 2016 - While changing Ramsey's diaper, I actually uttered the words: "Ramsey, take that tauntaun off of your pee pee!!!" (It's odd how fascinated toddlers are with 'certain things'. Oye!!!)
For those of you who may not remember what a tauntaun is, it is a fictional animal from Star Wars that lives on Planet Hoth. Ramsey has a small tauntaun action figure/toy that he plays with.
* June 4, 2016 - "Ramsey, quit licking that rabbit's butt!!!"
~ Bumpa had carved (and painted) Ramsey a 4" rabbit for Christmas the previous year. He likes to play with it. And, apparently he liked licking it.
* October 1, 2016... "The frog incident". *sigh*
Picture a day like this (this wasn't the actual day): The five of us were outside, hanging out in the yard, swinging on the new play set, running up and down the hill, playing fetch with the dog.
Connor is frog-hunting and he finds some down by the lake. He excitedly brings one up to the yard for his little brother to see. Fun!
He carefully places the frog in the grass and calls, "Ramsey, come look at this baby frog that I found!" (yes, it was a baby!). Ramsey hurries over to get a glimpse of the dear sweet slimy little fella. He looks at it, he looks up at us... then, he brings his foot up.... in slow-motion, we're all gasping and thinking "Nooooooooooooooooo!!!". With that, he brings his foot down swiftly and forcefully. STOMP! Nailed it.
We couldn't believe our eyes. What just happened? How did his little size 6 toddler foot actually connect to the exact spot where this tiny little froggy was, without it escaping? Our mouths agape... a "holy [curse word]" may have escaped our (er my?) lips. Shock... dismay! The baby frog... was no more. :-( Ramsey looked up at us and smiled, then ran away. Still shocked, we weren't sure whether to remain completely appalled or to start laughing in disbelief. So, we did both (feeling guilty for the laughs of course). We knew if we scolded Ramsey and told him that he just killed a baby frog, he would start crying, inconsolably (he's a softie and doesn't want to hurt anyone/anything), then probably try to kiss the deceased amphibian.
Eric thinks this was the result of the earlier "inside frog incident", when the frog got away in the house... and I went berzerk (the darn thing was LOOSE - and I really don't care for frogs). It scared Ramsey and I think I may have scarred him. Ugh!
Knowing Ramsey, stomping Baby Kermit wasn't an act to be contemptuous. And, he didn't understand what he had just done. But, he was back to business, playing. RIP, Froggy. The End.
* September & October 2016 - Just a notable and a RELIEF... Ramsey is FINALLY starting to sleep through the night! And, get this, he lets me read our books, say our prayers and goodnights and still leave when he's awake. Hallelujah, Mom will now get sleep... and get back into her own (bed most of the time). :-)
* October 2016 - We thought Ramsey was very smart and clever when he could count to 10 by the time he was 2 1/2 (by this time, he is starting to talk -much of it can be understood, so that helped!). But, he learned to count to 20 also by October. There were many mornings when we would hear him in his bedroom (via the video/audio monitor)... counting to 20. And, then he'd start counting backwards from 20! That's how you wake up in the morning? Counting? Ok, maybe the kid will be a mathematician? He surely wouldn't be taking after ME, if that is the case.
* October 29th, 2016 - Ramsey's first #1 in the potty chair. We're just dabbling at this point... he's acting kind of ready (he's no longer screaming bloody murder at the thought of sitting on the plastic throne). As rewards for his potties in the chair, he receives little Star Wars Galactic Hero figures. It seems to be a decent motivation.
* November 2, 2016 - First #2 in the potty chair. This is all very interesting to you all, isn't it? It's my notables and see the notations in the "preface" please. :-) hehe
We aren't trying to train super hard at this point, but will now start!
* November 2016. Ramsey's favorite game as of late is Scribblenauts. In this game, you try to pass levels by typing in things that will help you get through to the next level. Example: "Help Maxwell get to the other side of the lava pit". In this level, you have to give him different kinds of bridges using adjectives (heavy metal bridge - that won't dissipate with the ferocious wind, a long bridge that will reach the other side, a cold fireproof bridge that will enable Maxwell to walk over a fire pit) so he can make it past each obstacle to get to his reward (a gold star). He's known his numbers, letters, and shapes for a year, but we're astounded how this child recognized words and can remember what he needs and wants for each level. And, how he can get them (type them) himself! Crazy! Ramsey, you're a smart little cookie.

* December 2016 - Ramsey's speech therapist, Amy, says he's doing great and is pretty much caught up to where he should be. He still needs to improve on articulation. Amy's help for the past 15 months has been very instrumental in his progression, as well as the expectations we should have for him.
* December 2106 - At night, before Ramsey goes to bed (and sometimes on the weekends, during the day), Daddy and Ramsey sit together in Dad's chair and watch Star Wars videos on YouTube (videos, with people singing parodies - some are really rather good!). Ramsey is so cute and starts to sing along to the songs. His "firsts" for actually singing. I can't seem to get good video footage of this. When I start recording, he clams up! Rats!
* December 24, 2016 - Ramsey's new favorite sentence: "I will fight you!" (referring to the cardboard wrapping paper batons, being used as light sabers. Hiiiii-yaaaaaaaaa! As his therapists and others say, "he's all boy!".
* December 2016 - Due to the need to obtain a black hole on one of his levels in his Scribblenauts game, he loves to run around say "black hole" (guess it's his new favorite thing). The black hole looks like a swirling vortex on his game. When he flushes the toilet, he says "black hole... flush it down!". I guess that's what the escaping water looks like to him. Hmm, pretty sharp. Good associating! The flip side of this is that when he says "black hole", it comes out sounding more like "butt"... and then ya know, "hole". Connor finds this oh-so-amusing and has taught him to say "HI, BLACK HOLE". You get the picture and see why this might become an issue in public. Eh... older brother!!!! C'mon man! :-)
This little character says so many crazy and funny things and is constantly making us roll with silly things that he does. What a special charming time for this sweet little boy.