Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Happy Family Christmas in January

Our Christmas with Eric's side of the family proved to be another nice weekend.  The weather, though quite cold, was rather cooperative (no blizzard or horrible winds!).   The trip got pushed back a week this year; Connor had surgery (for a deviated septum) and hadn't fully recuperated in time for the original trip.

We were all excited to go to Nana and Bumpa's house.  We hadn't seen the crew for quite some time, so having this get-together was cherished time spent.

The kids wasted no time getting rambunctious; Ramsey grabbed a tupperware top (his gun) and Connor, Sadie, and Isaac were his victims, falling to the floor.
However, Connor and the cousins did get their "revenge".
After we pigged out on pizza, cookies, bars, peppermint bark, and crutites with dip, we headed downstairs to open Christmas gifts.

Isaac was giving Cousin Connor a big ol' hug.  Of course, I was late to catch the sweetness of the act.  By the time I was able to snap a pic, Isaac had caught on and didn't think a picture of him hugging his cousin would be very cool.  :-)
Ramsey was excited to open his presents this year.  The rest of us overgrown children were near-giddy as well!

Connor and Sadie were teasing Isaac at one point.  Isaac has some pretty good expressions.  It was all in good fun and they all were laughing.  
After present-opening was over, we enjoyed a huge delicious home-cooked meal of oyster stew, ham, cheesy potatoes, and tons of extras.  Nana spent a lot of time creating a special meal for everyone.

This year, Sadie and Isaac spent the night at Nana and Bumpa's, so the kids all played into the evening.
In the morning, we'd discovered that Sadie allowed a little bed partner- Riggs!  I guess he'd be a rather large bed partner!
I'm not sure if Riggs was supposed to be on the sofa bed or not (my guess is probably not!), but he certainly was spoiled that night, loving every minute of it, no doubt.
And, of course, after the kids were up dressed, I had to get the annual Christmas  picture of the cousins.  It never ceases to amaze me how much the kids have grown!  
And, we had to get a snap of the fam too.  :-)  Tradition, ya know!

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