Monday, January 23, 2017

Winter FUNderland

Living on the lake has a few advantages in the chilly months.   When it's not too cold and blistery or windy, it's certainly a winter wonderland.

The boys have been out ice fishing and sledding quite a bit lately.  It's nice that the guys can just walk a few steps to their activity destination.

Riggs is a fan of sledding.  Er, make that nipping at the sled while Connor proceeds to blast downhill!  I don't praise our steep hill too often (man, it's a rough workout on the quads and hamstrings!!), but in the winter, it is the perfect sledding hill.  Connor and Riggs spent a ton of time marching up the hill, then quickly speeding down it, over and over again.   The pair have such a fun time!  (And, apparently 10 times more stamina than I could fathom!)
 I pulled Ramsey down the hill in his toddler sled (he was a little unsure of that this year, but I still got some laughs), but wasn't too interested in continuing.  We tromped through the snow over to the "Star Wars Fort" (aka ice-fishing shack).  He seems to find ice fishing an activity to be treasured.
Checking out minnows is especially fun as well.
He's been telling everyone he sees that he's been ice fishing.  Pretty exciting stuff, I guess.  :-)  

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