Qeepsake Q&A:
What kind of games are you playing with Ramsey?
Typically, "game time" is all about light saber duels, either using his actual light saber toys - or literally ANYTHING he can find that he deems suitable (usually he's in my drawers, dragging out every spatula, whisk, or other large cooking utensil). I've been trying to get him to sit down and play the Angry Birds version of Chutes & Ladders, but he doesn't seem very interested! He will move the guys around and play with them, but doesn't play with "rules" yet.
We do play with Play Doh, Kinetic sand, colors (not too interested yet), Legos, etc.
What does Ramsey like to do for playtime?
Refer to previous question. Also, Ramsey loves playing with all of his Star Wars characters. He also likes to get out his trains, cars, and play Scribblenauts, Angry Birds (Star Wars, Stella, GO!), or watch YouTube videos (Super Simple songs, Star Wars, Legos, Trump/Clinton JibJab head spoofs -oye yi yi) on his Kindle.
Ramsey LOVES to go outside, so when it's nice, he's on his trikes or swinging/climbing/sliding on his play set.
Can Ramsey have candy?
Ramsey can have candy. However, the only candy he likes is chocolate or suckers, neither that he eats too frequently. Hard or gummy candies are out, as he gags on them! (sorry, but true).
Did Ramsey do anything nice for anyone today?
Ramsey gives the best hugs and kisses to all of us (and to Riggsy too). His "Love You's" at night make hearts melt. The other day at school, his friend hurt himself. Ramsey gave him a kiss and said "no sad, HAPPY!"
What is Ramsey's favorite book?
He is loving "The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales" (don't like the word "stupid" in there, but the stories are funny). He likes Dr. Suess also (One Fish, Two Fish; The Foot Book, etc). "Goodnight Forest Friends" is still a mainstay.
Has Ramsey done anything that has surprised you lately?
Ramsey is constantly surprising us with little things that he does. He's been making up his own songs lately which make us chuckle. He understands way more than we think or give him credit for.
This morning, Eric told me that (on the way to preschool) they were listening to "Star Wars Cantina" song in the truck (four times!), then Eric let the CD continue to play. After a few more songs, Ramsey shouted "OREO!". Eric thought he wanted an Oreo cookie, but then when the next song played, it was "The White Stuff" by Weird Al - a song about Oreos! Ramsey had only ever heard the music playlist once before, so it was crazy that he would know the sequence of the songs!
Is Ramsey introverted or extroverted?
No question, this child is an extrovert!!! Everyone he meets is a new buddy. If we are in a store and he says hi or someone else says hi, he then says "Bye Friend!" before walking (or being carted) away.
When two firemen were at our home installing new fire alarms, Ramsey greeted them at the door, hugged them, and wouldn't leave their side the entire time they were here.
What is something surprising about Ramsey?
I thought this was a rather redundant question. We may be biased, but this kid is one smart cookie and he understands EVERYTHING. He remembers all that we do too, it seems. At bedtime the other night, he was telling me about Auntie Shana. He talked about how she gave him a haircut, how they danced (in her salon), that he gave her a chocolate sucker, and that she was "fun". That experience was well over a month and a half ago and he just brought it up again out of nowhere!
What is Ramsey's favorite store?
If I had to guess, I think it would be Kesslers, a locally-owned grocery store. When we go shopping there, they give free cookies or fruit to kids. And, they have the best donut holes in town - and that is his special treat.
What is bedtime routine like with Ramsey?
The ritual: Pottie time, some time on Daddy's lap watching Star Wars stuff on YouTube while drinking a small bit of "nigh nigh milk", then night night hugs and "Love You's". In bed, he gets a story or two, we say our prayers (our thanks and blessings to God, The Lord's Prayer - Ramsey is learning and doing well!), he gives his final goodnight and Love You to me, and he rolls over and goes to sleep. He seems to like going to bed, as he doesn't typically put up any type of fuss.
Does Ramsey know any letters of the alphabet?
We're working on teaching him the ABC Song, but he has known all of his letter and numbers for quite some time! - Little smarty pants!
What did you do with Ramsey today?
Nana Karen is still recuperating from being in the hospital, so I am watching Ramsey while I work. I picked him up from preschool, went to the store to buy puppy food, made him some lunch, and the rest of the day will be spent watching Legos Star Wars, playing Star Wars guys, playing Kindle, chasing Riggs, and then hanging out on Daddy's lap when he gets home. He's currently vying for a donut!
What is Ramsey's favorite TV show or movie these days?
Lego Star Wars, all episodes, are his favorites!
Does Ramsey have a favorite song?
Lately, Ramsey is obsessed with "Star Wars Cantina" and Weird Al's "The White Stuff" - aka the "Oreo song".
What is something Ramsey has difficulty with?
Ramsey still has issues sleeping through the night. And, potty-training; he just doesn't seem to give a rip!
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