Thursday, March 30, 2017

You Don't Know.... The Power... of the Dark Side

Obsessed.  Ramsey is obsessed.  Star Wars.  Everyone knows this.  Not a shocker.

A few weeks ago, he lugged a couple of his 31" Star Wars figures back upstairs (he did it all by himself).  I lugged a few back down, he brought another up.  Currently, Darth Vader and R2-D2 remain in our living room.  Oh, 'tis glorious decor.

So, Eric and I got out his Darth Vader costume (a last-year's clearance find!) with mask, and our voice-changing helmet (a must-have big-boy toy for Eric!).   He wanted nothing to do with the super long cape or either mask at first.   It took a little while, but he eventually warmed up to the smaller of the two masks.    He started having lots of fun playing pretend.
Daddy reminded him how to use the voice-changer on the large DV helmet.  Then, our kid was hooked.  The cape?  Still not so much.

Check him out... he actually understands the concept of how the good jedi, Anakin Skywalker, is pulled to the dark side and then turns into the notorious Darth Vader.  He's "transforming" here.
A day or so later, I had found a pair of 100% cotton Darth Vader PJs that looked like a real Darth Vader costume on Amazon.  It had a [short and removable] cape and everything!  So, I bought them (can't help but spoil him).   I found a storm trooper mask.  I bought it too.

From the minute our friendly UPS man delivered them to our door step, he didn't want to take them off, not even to eat.  Here, we have a "mix and match" outfit (how do you like those crazy green Yoda socks?), until we find him a proper Storm Trooper outfit!
Now, he puts the Vader outfit on, grabs his light sabers, and goes around telling everyone [they] "don't know the power... of the dark side!" and other humorous bits, in true DV fashion.   I could really use a light saber audio clip here.  Oh wait, here's one: LIGHT SABER
...using "the Force" on me here.
Notice we had to put on his light-up Darth Vader Skechers tennie runners too just to complete the look.   Gotta "coordinate", ya know.  ;-)
And when he's not flashing a saber or chanting Star Wars rhetoric, he's standing next to Vader "comparing" his fancy new outfit to his action figure's!  He tries to take off Vader's helmet too, but that doesn't bode too well.
May the Force be with you.

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